Besigye: Don’t rely on foreigners, they will not liberate Uganda

Besigye addressing the press on recently (photo credit- NIcholas Bamulanzeki)

Uganda’s powerful opposition leader Col Kizza Besigye has openly asked Ugandans to assert their will to liberate themselves from the NRM “dictatorship.”

Besigye who was pronouncing himself on the age limit debate, told a news conference at his offices at Katonga road in Kampala on Friday morning that the International Community will not surely contribute much in changing government.

“I have heard many calling upon Trump to step in and liberate them. Those people should exercise their will and citizens and remove this military Junta,” Besigye said.

A number of opposition politicians have been crying out to the International Community to impose sanctions on President Yoweri Museveni’s leadership making it hard for him to rule the country.

Besigye however said that these foreigners should indirectly contribute to the removal of NRM government by cutting aid diverting it to the opposition movements to help them mobilise vigorously and end 30 year military rule.

The opposition heavyweight acknowledged that the age limit debate, whereas it flopped yesterday in parliament, the constitution can be amended anytime Museveni wants.

“Museveni can call his hired guns (MPs) to state house or kyankwanzi. They don’t necessary have to sit in parliament to pass that bill,” Besigye said.

He added that despite the few numbers of legislators they have in parliament they will make it impossible for Museveni to rule the country.

We shall make it impossible for Museveni , however small in number we are , we have the power of the people,” he said.

On Thursday the parliament of Uganda turned chaotic prompting the deputy speaker Hon Jacob Oulanyah to suspend it.

The controversial age limit debate will resume next week on the floor of parliament with opposition members vowing to shed blood over it.

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