For many years, Samuel Kakande, a popular Pentecostal pastor had won great admiration and devotion from his ‘sheep’ at Mulago based Synagogue Church.
In fact whoever rose to echo his/testimony never called him by name but rather refer to him as a ‘man of God.’
He performed quite a number of miracles for many believers across the country including gifting the barren with children, awarding wealth, healing complex diseases; name it!
It is against this backdrop that Synagogue Ministries attracted massive congregation to a point that some worshipers would view the Man of God perform miracles on giant screens found in his church.

To have an opportunity to interface with the kakande, one needed to secure an appointment for over a month unless the matter was so urgent.
Kakande through his prophesy captivated many Ugandans hearts including top shots in government.
In fact the President was also lured to Synagogue Ministries.
It later turned out that Kakande had amassed wealth from his church; he owned acres of land across the country, sand mining project along Masaka highway, gardens of rice, posh cars, holy water and many more.
However, the channels in which Kakande was reaping cash from ‘sheep’ remained questioned by a few hardhearted.
For instance, he was selling holy from a well which initially belonged to the community before he constructed the church.
After establishing it he cordoned off the well and declared it his.
Not so long ago, was selling holy rice at shs 50k per kilo. Such money buys over 10 kilos of normal rice.
It turned out that the even when people ate the holy rice no miracles happened.

He was later cited in land grabbing where he mined sand in Lwera, Masaka district.
According to one of his followers who wished to remain unnamed, the worshipers have reached a breaking point after failing to see deliverance.
To make matters worse, the mystery disappearance of the Man of God has created anxiety propelling his ‘sheep’ to switch to his competitors.
During the hey days, people would queue to receive blessings mostly Sunday and Thursdays which were dubbed deliverance days.
But now it is a difference topic; the church is now occupied by only ushers and a few hardliners.