UPDF responds to age limit partisan talk: Anite is not our spokesperson

UPDF spokesman Karemire



UPDF responds to age limit partisan talk: Anite is not our spokesperson

Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF) has come out strongly to dismiss statements issues by ruling party Minister that the army supports the removal of age limit.

Junior minister for Finance and Investment Evelyn Anite on Thursday assured state opponents who threatened to go physical should they dare to table the bill on the floor of parliament to amend the constitution that they have the will of Ugandans and support from the military establishment.

Army publicist Brig Richard Karemire told this website that article 208 (2) of the constitution mandates the force to be impartial at all times.

He added that in any case the army wants to give its views there are structures which it can clearly follow.

“We have 10 MPs that represent the army,” Karemire added.

The motion to revisit the constitution was scheduled to be tabled on Thursday but it has been deferred until next week awaiting the Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga.

There will be fist fights on the floor of parliament; some have threatened. “The Bill will not be tabled. We are going to gym,” Kampala Central MP Muhammad Nsereko warned on Tuesday.

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