Exposed BoU  lawyers Mpanga, Masembe beg Court to stay on  Sudhir case

Kampala tycoon Sudhir Ruparelia and Bank of Uganda have been strongly advised to settle their ongoing legal  battles outside of Court.

The head of commercial court Judge David Wangutusi advised both parties after concluding hearing of an application in which Sudhir wants to stop  firms of MMAKS and AF Mpanga advocates from representing Crane Bank and Bank of Uganda  against him in a 400bn fraud case.

Justice Wangutusi has set the 14th of  November to deliver his rulling on whether lawyers Timothy Masembe Kanyerezi and David Mpanga should stand down from representing Crane Bank and Bank of Uganda against Sudhir Ruparelia.

The judge said that the mediation should be encouraged  to avoid  one of the parties to get really hurt if the case comes up for a full hearing.

During hearing of the application, Sudhir’s lawyers led by Peter Kabatsi of Kampala Associated advocates  informed justice Wangatusi that the 2 senior managing partners MMAKS and AF  Mpanga advocates; Timothy Masembe Kanyerezi and David Mpanga  are faced with conflict of interest as  they have been  listed by Sudhir as his witnesses to testify in his favour against Bank of Uganda allegations.

Sudhir’s lawyer  Bruce Musinguzi explained that his client has already expressed fear that he may not get substantive justice  because Masembe and Mpanga have been his lawyers for 12 years and are privy to confidential information which might be used to his prejudice.

Musinguzi has also cited numerous transactions to Court in which Masembe and Mpanga represented Crane Bank, Sudhir Ruparelia and Meera investments.

But in their defense  both Masembe and Mpanga claim that although they did  represent Crane Bank in several transactions, they never represented Sudhir in his individual capacity but  as crane bank’s  majority share holder.

The lawyers want court to maintain them as Crane Bank lawyers saying there is no evidence adduced  by Sudhir to show that they have in any way  breached  their  professional  code of conduct having not  even come across any information regarding the current case in which Bank of Uganda accuses Sudhir  of  fradulently siphoning over 100m Us dollars from his now  defunct Crane Bank.

Meanwhile  other parties to this case including businessman Amos Nzeyi the founder  of now defunct National Bank of Commerce have welcomed  justice Wangutusi’s  advise  for parties to embrace mediation saying he may get relief for his 5 year grievance ever since his  bank was  fraudulently sold by Bank of Uganda

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