A man who has won temporally popularity after he was pictured kissing city pastor- cum- prophet Elvis Mbonye has described the man of God as more powerful than the Catholic Pope.
Joseph Kabuleta, a long serving sports journalist has Monday been in the news and allover internet.
He would later be hosted on local TV NBS and confessed before cameras that he would ignore Pope Francis’ blessings but can bow and do anything within his reach to worship Mbonye.
The self proclaimed prophet earlier told the same media house that he has been in heaven and met Jesus physically.
Kabuleta’s confession has since drawn among the Christian believers.
“I don’t care about your Pope; I wouldn’t give a damn if he came to Uganda. To me it is my prophet Mbonye I worship and care about.”
On him kissing Mbonye’s shoes, Kabuleta insisted this is not the first time and won’t be the last.

“It is a mark of respect for our leaders. After elections speaker of Parliament (Rebecca) Kadaga bowed before a witchdoctor and no one said a thing.
All your leaders in government visit witchdoctors. Why are you only making noise about our Prophet? This is the highest level of double standards,” Kabuleta fumed.
He added: “Prophets world over must be given respect because they represent God. I don’t have time for the pope because I don’t believe in him. If I find him anywhere I will just pass by because I don’t see him as a representative of God. I see God in Prophet Mbonye, it’s my belief and I know what God has done with him” Kabuleta says.
The tough talking Kabuleta advised anti prophet Mbonye Ugandans to mind their business.
He also challenged them to mind about only their beliefs and let the over 10, 000 Mbonye army to mind its business.
He insisted that every individual has a constitutional and human right of worship.
Kabuleta further explained that there is a big difference between a pastor and a prophet. He compared it to a doctor and lawyer who perform different roles in society.