SGR, NWSC push for harmonized infrastructure

Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) team has on Tuesday met with National Water & Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) top management team to sensitize and update them on the progress of the  in Uganda.

NWSC is an important partner in the life cycle of the SGR project because infrastructure from both projects are crisscrossing at some points and there is need to harmonise them to avoid damage and waste.

According to SGR construction plans, re-location of utilities such as water pipes and electricity transmission lines are key to achieving a well-planned infrastructure. Other infrastructure affected include roads, factories among others.

In a presentation, SGR presented the progress made so far on harmonization of infrastructure, the land acquisition progress that has seen about 3,000 people compensated, the broader role the SGR will play in Uganda’s social-economic trajectory as well as the technical details of SGR and opportunities for future collaboration.

The SGR Deputy Coordinator, Eng. Iyamulemye Emmanuel thanked the NWSC for the cooperation and reiterated the importance of harmonizing infrastructure for the long term to avoid waste. Iyamulemye reassured the team that every effort is being made to move the project forward to enable actual commencement of construction.

SGR has intensified its engagement with different groups as a way of rallying them to take advantage of the opportunities around local content as well as embracing this transformative project. So far, private sector and several government agencies have been formally met.

The NWSC Director, Engineering Services Eng. Alex Gisagara applauded SGR for continually engaging NWSC and other stakeholders. He emphasized the need to upgrade the railway and for Uganda to adapt to new technology as NWSC is doing at the Ggaba and Jinja plants. Eng. Gisagara commended SGR for sourcing cement locally.

Under local content, all the cement shall be locally procured.

“The next generation of our grandchildren will be proud of the work you are doing now. At NWSC, we are receiving SGR with open arms, no pipe will hinder development of SGR. We should adapt to change”

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