Anite: Ingrid Turinawe is threatening me and my family

Evelyn Anite whose being at a US university is causing uproar for Ugandans in the diaspora.

State Minister for Investment and Privatization Eveyln Anite claims FDC secretary for mobilisation Ingrid Turinawe has been intimidating her over the protracted age limit debate.

Anite made the revelation at Entebbe State House earlier Wednesday while addressing journalists moments after her boss the President dismissed the debate as diversionary.

Museveni said those debating age limit lack what to do.

The country is yet in another battle between opposition and government with the former accusing the ruling regime of intending to review the constitution and remove age limit law to pave way for Museveni’s life rule.

Anite however, says the debate is a planned machination by opposition members to harass the regime.

“There’s a lot of provocation going on by the Opposition and it is led by Ingrid Turinawe. They intimidated and threatened us and we had to respond because we are not cowards,” Anite said.

“We have responded and told them that this age limit debate hasn’t come up yet therefore it is premature to pronounce ourselves. There are democratic structures for a leader to take power in Uganda,” Anite added.

She later revealed that: “Ingrid Turinawe and her group created a social media and have been threatening us. Personally, they have threatened me and my family. But I am not afraid. If they hit at me, I will hit back.”

“If you disagree with me, I don’t have to agree with you and you don’t have to threaten me. They forget that we have their numbers,” the Minister said.

However, when asked whether she has reported the case to Police, the Minister said there was no need since she knew who was behind the threats.

Some government actors recently averred that opposition fanatics would add those deemed to be frontiers of the age limit debate in whatsapp groups,  abuse, harass and intimidate them.

Anite is perceived to have risen through ranks after promoting sole candidature debate for her godfather- The President.

She has since earned public ridicule whenever she comes out to comment on any political affair in the country.

But she insists she is doing what is right.

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