Trade Minister Ameria Kyambadde’s husband Wilson Kyambadde has Monday been sent to Luzira prison over a debt of $ 300,000 equivalent to shillings 1.5 billion.
Flavia Nassuna Matovu, the High Court deputy registrar in charge of execution and bailiffs, imprisoned Kyambadde for another six months for failing to pay Amdhan Khan from whom he got money in a fake property deal.

According to, Kyambadde and Khan have been at loggers for over two years, most says over a botched deal. It is believed that Kyambadde promised to sell the Indian-Ugandan man a house allocated to him by his former friend President Yoweri Museveni through State House yet he had nothing.
The building Kyambadde claimed he was selling to Khan is located at Nasser Road, Kampala.
He was arrested by court bailiffs led by a fierce man called Kirunda from Old Kampala ashe went about with his personal businesses.
Khan is one of the top private money lenders in the country who has lent money to various people including business people, politicians, among other people.