Minister Otafiire rival MP Kahonda to spend 9 months in jail

Jailed; Kahonda (photo credit-NTV)

Capt Donozio Kahonda, a political nemesis of Minister Kahinda has been sentenced to 9 months in Kirinya prison in Jinja.

Chief Magistrate John Francis Kagwa convicted Kahonda for forgery and uttering false academic documents.

He was arrested on Wednesday before being paraded at the Chief Magistrate’s court in Jinja.

His woes began in 2015 when Kahonda while vying for Ruhinda north seat.

It was alleged then that Kahonda on November 11, 2001 at military academy in Jinja district with intent to defraud or deceive uttered false documents in the particulars of Dickson Mutabazi, purporting that it was a genuine document whereas not.

However, the arrest was deemed politically motivated and he was released.

He trounced Kahinda in a hotly contested race.

But yesterday he was arrested and remanded to Kirinya prison pending court ruling slated for today (Thursday).

Relatives said that Kahonda will file an appeal.

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