Kaweesi murder: Suspect Mbazira’s 12 kids held by police

RIP: Kaweesi

As investigations into the murder of former Uganda Police spokesman Andrew Felix Kaweesi continue, police is leaving no stone unturned to bring justice to their fallen colleague’s demise.

Why our kids

A group of five women is accusing the Police of arresting twelve children whose father Abdu Rashid Mbaziira is among the suspected killers of the slain officer.

Mbazira was arrested from Kyampisi- Nagalama, Mukono District and is currently held at Nalufenya detention facility in Jinja.

Together with other suspects, Mbazira last week raised claims of severe torture by police while appearing in court for hearing of their case.

TrumpetNews has learnt that the 5 women are accusing police of arresting Mbaziira’s kids and their whereabouts are unknown.

One of these women (names withheld) said that police has refused to avail them information as to why the innocent kids are being held.

“We wonder whether the kids are also suspects. Why are they being held and why cant we access them. We are worried and restless,” she questioned.

Police responds

Earlier, police publicist AIGP Asan Kasingye had denied knowledge of these jailed kids.

But on Monday evening when contacted again, AIGP Kasingye said his junior Emilian Kayima- Kampala Metropolitan Police (KMP) mouthpiece would address the media about these allegations raised by these women.

Kayima told this website that these women are making false and wild allegations.

He acknowledged that police is keeping these kids in a care centre in Nagalama.

“When the suspect was arrested, police found 12 kids in his home. There was no mother or any other adult to take care of them. Some are very young. We there deemed it wise as to take them somewhere and look after them,” Kayima clarified.

He wondered if Mbaziira is the father of these children.

“These women who have come up to make false allegations bother us. We want to study who they are, whether they are the biological mothers and once it is proved, we will definitely hand over the children to them,” he said

Kids are safe

Kayima vehemently rejected claims that these children are in jail.

Asked if police has interviewed the kids, he said, “They are too young to be involved in the conflicts of their father.”

Police has in the recent months been on the man-hunt for Kaweesi’s killers and so far has over 50 suspects detained as investigations continue.

This website will continue to follow-up on the investigations and trial for their readers

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