Rwomushana threatens to spill Oulanyah’s sordid sex secrets

Fire brand Rwomushana

Former chief spy Charles Rwomushana who has made a name out of his belligerence while analysing the state of affairs has vowed to unleash Deputy Speaker Jacob Oulanyah’s untold escapade.

This comes after Parliament called for immediate action to be taken against him after he referred to female lawmakers as prostitutes while appearing on local TV political talkshow.

Rt Hon Oulanyah then instructed Information Minister Frank Tumwebaze to expedite investigations when the latter told the Hansard that he had earlier directed Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) to take up the matter.

Not shaken, Rwomushana told TrumpetNews that he stands by his words.

“What do you call a woman female politician who sells own conscious,” he reiterated responding to a query whether he will swallow his pride and retract his obnoxious statements.

On Tuesday, Lira Woman MP, Joy Atim Ongom expressed distress saying MPs felt abused in the face of their children, parents and families following the ex operative’s verbal artilleries.

When this news website further pressed Rwomushana on how he intends to respond to any decision made by Parliament tomorrow as ordered by Oulanyah, He (Oulanyah) scoffed at the politician.

Instead Rwomushana has revealed to his close associates how he will expose Oulanyah’s sex secrets.

“I know Oulanyah’s story with some female MPs,” said Rwomushana.

This isn’t the first time Rwomushana is embroiled in a ‘political hippity hoppity mood’ with top government officials.

He has fiercely taken on Odrek Rwabwogo, President Yoweri Museveni’s son in-law in a protracted cyber war.

Last year, Rwomushana was arrested for peddling propaganda fabrications on social media that the regime had executed Former Premier Amama Mbabazi’s chief bodyguard Christopher Aine who later surfaced at Gen Salim Saleh’s residence.


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